Happy Friday! Can I get a heck yes?!
So, let's talk pillows for a second. I will be the first to admit that I totally have a pillow obsession. I tend to collect/covet them the same way most girls collect/covet shoes. But unfortunately, they take up a lot more space than shoes, so I can't really hoard them the same way (which is actually probably a really good thing).
Anyway, I figured I should start sharing my current favorites on the blog... That way, it might actually be useful for someone searching for the perfect pillow, and hopefully I won't covet them as much :) Double win.
So let's get right to it! I've been so in love with these Hmong textiles lately. The fabric is printed by hand using the traditional batik method, which is a printing process where wax is applied to a piece of cloth and dyed with natural indigo dyes. The wax is then removed, and the design is created where the wax has prevented the dye from penetrating the cloth. Sometimes colorful embroidery is added to the batik designs, and the result can be absolutely stunning!
Here are some of my favorites (all from the etsy shop frompasttopresent):
I love the interesting patters, the indigo color, and the fact that they are all handmade and unique. Check out frompasttopresent to see more options - they have a great selection, and the prices are really reasonable.
Now, want to see some pretty spaces with these pillows? Amber from Amber Interiors is a genius at decorating with these beauties. Take a look for yourself:
Pretty amazing, right? Amber is one talented lady, and she even has a Shoppe where she sells these amazing pillows as well.
I also love the idea of adding these pillows to a cozy outdoor space similar to this one by Estee Stanley:
Ahhh... I sure wouldn't mind spending a weekend out on that patio, that's for sure.
And on that note, have a fabulous weekend!